The beginnings of our “Weekly Inspirations” lie in our company owner’s personal interest in aphorisms and inspirational quotes.
Sven Gebhard had always felt that the wise words of great people from all walks of life deliver important advice in a succinct manner and can thus provide very “effective” inspiration.
A few years ago he printed out his favourite quotes and pinned them to the whiteboard in our conference room, where both employees and visitors could see them.
Prompted by the interest in these quotes, Sven Gebhard decided to start sending them to a select group of recipients every Sunday evening in the form of a “Weekly Inspirations” newsletter for a motivated and inspired start to the week.
Since 2018 a growing number of people have been receiving these Weekly Inspirations in our special GC-heat design.
If you would like to receive our Weekly Inspirations every Sunday evening by e-mail, you may subscribe here.